Showing posts with label porto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porto. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm pretty stoked to announce that recently two portuguese street art blogs featured my photographs! Big thank you to the guys over at target and street art portugal. They both showcased my Porto photographs from here, plus a few extra ones I hadn't yet posted. I look forward to working with them again soon.

A friend has recently commented on the fact that I write everything in lower-case. He claims it makes me look like I'm five. I can't really argue. And I can't really come up with a good reason as to why I don't capitalize either. Bad habit I guess. 
Here you go, this is me capitalizing words. Lets just hope I capitalize all the right ones.
(Hey, I'm an art student! We ain't the greatest at spelling and whatnot.) 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

porto street art

i love street art.
banksy is pretty cool. i guess everybody knows that now. if you haven't seen exit through the gift shop get on it!! margaret kilgallen is great too. watch beautiful losers everybody. it's a great documentary. you won't regret it. trust me. watch it. like right now.
i was going to write a whole paragraph or two on street art here but i just ain't in the mood for it. all you gotta know is that street art is amazing and portugal is covered in it. sure enough some of it is just tags and big bubbly letters, but there's also lots of really awesome art out there. it's so fascinating and impressive to me. i love it. i wish i could have photographed it all. most of it was me seeing it through the backseat window driving through town, so it's mostly photographed in my brain.
i could probably devote a whole trip to just photographing street art.
next trip to portugal i'm heading out with spray cans and stencils.
that's right, i'm going to be a street artist.
here's some street art from porto.

in disguise

paisley, this one's for heather

love wins

this is depicting some sort of historical happening....too bad i suck at history and can't remember what it was

love this

i love this photo. so much. so very much.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

rain, clouds, sun

my trip to porto is pretty much summed up by rain, clouds, sun.
you'd leave the house in the morning not sure whether you should put on jeans or shorts, bring your sun tan lotion or your umbrella.
here's a few shots from my first afternoon in porto. this is a little park by palácio, which is just down the street from teresa's house.
i'm feelin black and white today.

clear sky on one side...

....clouds full of rain on the other

porto-street-art-post coming soon

thunder was on it's way

Thursday, June 09, 2011


i never learned how to develop photos. although i had read about it and people had explained it to me and i'd seen glimpses of it in movies, it was still always a bit of a mystery to me.
that mystery got solved when i went to porto where my friend teresa gave me a roll of film in black&white she had made herself.

on my last morning in porto we had shot through the little roll with her canon AE1 and went to her university to develop them. her friend carlos, who seems to know everything, and i mean everything, about photography came along and did a great job of explaining it all. it was interesting. and simple.

it was so simple. it's not magic.
for some reason that's a little disappointing.
but i loved it!

one of teresa's shots, love it

streets of porto

yes, i was chasing pigeons

my talented friend teresa

basically all my shots are the underexposed ones....haha i'm working on it!


btw, i bought another camera (along with 3 lenses) f401s. poor baby isn't currently working, but i'm certain that i'll get her going. fingers crossed!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


3000+ photos later i'm back in vancouver.
europe trip is over. it was great.
i took so many photos, yet i still feel like i didn't take enough.
i have sooooo much to share. i don't even know where to start.

i got back this morning, therefore extremely tired and forcing myself to keep my eyes open till at least 9pm, in hope that the jet-lag won't hit me too hard.
i'm very excited to go through all these photos and blog about my trip. i really didn't think blogging would be this much fun. i'm stoked.

anyone have any good photo-editing-music-suggestions? i need some new tunes. 

love reflections. train ride from porto-lisbon.