Monday, July 04, 2011

the little girl and the pretty pink princess balloon

when visiting my dad in faro we went to a  feira in salir. feira translates to fair in english, but its not like your pink-popcorn-cotton-candy-rides&rollercoasters kinda fair. it's a portuguese fair. this one was in a small town in the middle of the mountains somewhere. there's traditional dances and music, beer, lots of food, little booths with gypsy's selling stuff and balloons. i'll blog more about it another time. for now i just want to share the story of the little girl and the pretty pink princess balloon.

once upon a time there was a pretty pink princess balloon.

green-shorts daddy bought it for little girl and said "under NO circumstances should you let go of the string."

little boy-number-one also has a balloon.

little girl goes to little boy-number-one and says "under NO circumstances should you let go of the string."

and just as she finishes telling him so, her own string slips away and she tries to grab it.....

...but it's too late.

little boy-number-two: "woaaaaa", little boy-number-one "hehe i still got mine"

and off goes the pretty pink princess balloon....

little girl starts crying "nooooooooo"

little boy-number-one "sucks to be her"

it was quite tragic.

the end. (btw, little boy number-two loses his balloon later in the evening too)


  1. :) Kenne ich, bei mir war es ein Hase. Ein schöner grosser Hase. Eribnnere mich heute noch, war in etwa so gross wie dass Mädchen.
    Super gelungen. PARABÉNS. Bjs
